Yeah here's the usage. Whole screen is used to display the map ```dart OSMFlutter( controller: controller, trackMyPosition: true, initZoom: 17, onMapIsReady: (mapState) async { if (mapState) { await controller.osmBaseController.currentLocation(); slideController.forward();...
Okay so I changed the type to MapController thank you for that and no there was no issue with granting permission. The thing here is everything was working fine, I...
currentLocation() is now working properly without explicitly calling it but the mapState is still not working. Thank you for responding and fixing this real quick.
Okay I implemented what you've mentioned here and it worked totally fine but that method seems to have deprecated so tried the alternate method suggested there which is, class YourOwnStateWidget...
Yes and I'm facing new issues each day like today drawRoad() function didn't work properly like the first time I used, road was in blue color and the map view...
This is the code I've written, I have a list of coordinates so I use first coordinate as start and last one as end and for intersection I use the...
First time I tested out with 4 sample coordinates like two intersection and It worked perfectly well, I tried that same sample now to check if the problem is in...
Okay I found the issue. I missed the roadOption parameter in drawRoad(). That was a silly mistake, you've been really helpful and got to thank you for responding. Thank you...
and btw I'm getting the coordinates from live tracking and each coordinate is 100 meters apart and I'm plotting them on the map. Actually off topic, I got this one...
okay so I checked Valhalla it was helpful and I ended up finding the solution. Google have this geometry library for map functions and there's this one function called isLocationOnPath...