Chiranjhivi Ghimire
Chiranjhivi Ghimire
How can we select the text from PDF viewer content and perform copy action, so that we can paste that copied text on anywhere that we wants. Now, the context-menu...
Cannot we adjust gridview content with according to each device? can we omit render per row properties of gridview?
How to make gridview item clickable? is there any method to do that?
can we hide checkbox manually, or can we set its size to zero?
How can we make lightbox with image slider like facebook? is there any way to do that?
always shows an error as Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. Check the render method of 'LightboxView'.
when the device is in portrait mode all views are fine, spacing is great but when i rotate it to landscape view there occurs great spacing between each cell item....
when i pinch image the app get crash what had happened?