Ferdinand Thiessen

Results 207 comments of Ferdinand Thiessen

From the discussion [here](https://github.com/nextcloud/photos/pull/1906) it seems we should set the aria label always to the visual text and use a different attribute (`title`? `aria-description`?) for more context.

@pulsejet You need to reorder the imports to make eslint happy

Das würde zusammen mit #9 dann Sinn machen, bez. es ist ja fast das selbe

Hast du die Zugriffsrechte richtig gesetzt, also wie im Wiki beschrieben? http://demo.os-sc.org/documentation/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=installation#zugriffsrechte_fuer_verzeichnisse_setzen Das du auf /javascript keine Zugriffsrechte hast, ist normal. Aber du solltest zugriff auf: http://deine-domain.example/javascript/dtree.js haben. Wenn die...

I can adjust the building instructions as well :) I think 5.15 was the version that introduced the versionless cmake macros? Took that comment from the qt docs.

I can not reproduce this, neither on master nor on Nextcloud 28 beta 2. Did this happen every time for you? Could you please check if there is an error...

Closing it then as I still can not reproduce, please reopen if you encounter it again.