Ferdinand Thiessen

Results 206 comments of Ferdinand Thiessen

> It can be fixed with this patch: Ok not always, even with this patch at least on some systems I got this error ([full log](https://github.com/cxong/cdogs-sdl/files/7651488/build_log.txt)): > [ 73s] cd...

E.g. `search("cory wong")` (reduced the output, as it would be too much) [output.txt](https://github.com/simon-weber/gmusicapi/files/4658018/output.txt)

@afritz1 I do not think this is something you might want to handle at runtime. Commonly you set up the paths at compile time, as they will not change. So...

@theonlypwner Maybe adding a switch like "ENABLE_SYSTEM_ENET" ? which has to be set to yes? So it can not be done accidentally but packagers or developers can use it if...

Will look into this as quick as possible, but the next few days I am quite busy with work.

This one is from [shadowcat](http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=catagits%2Ffcgi2.git;a=commitdiff_plain;=297693dc8362d25bb25e473899c72508a0f71d2e)

> Just getting this on console, when adding a new question Oh yes that happens if there are no settings as the empty array would be serialized as an array...

Hm while editing (at least in the editing view) options should not be shuffled (only in the submit view). But I will test this as soon as I got some...

> When checking/unchecking the Shuffle-Checkbox, we should update the computed property of `sortedOptions`. Currently, this only takes effect after reloading the page (while editing the form). Fixed that. One general...

@jotoeri Fixed your comments. Sorry for the inconvenience, I will try to test better.