I Komang Suryadana
I Komang Suryadana
I look on dpa-update wrong to call class ProductCatalog and ProductItem
how to send ip authentication to server example : curl -G --user 'api:pubkey-5ogiflzbnjrljiky49qxsiozqef5jxp7' -G \ https://api.mailgun.net/v3/address/validate \ --data-urlencode address='[email protected]' Tanks
Hi dev, I think when our can add UML chart like https://stackedit.io/app#, the fiture is very interested for all. We can make flowchart on markdown.
1. Fix issue #5
I think on the function [get_file_detail](https://github.com/sainipray/djadmin/blob/467d31b6bba4cf567bdd39a119f31892112242e1/djadmin/templatetags/custom.py#L118) must be checking file is None when class name ImageField or FileField. If you can implement my code as below. ``` @register.simple_tag def get_file_detail(adminform,...
I try on tinymce 4.x not working
Hook `mounted` not work if use vue component. Change to `updated` hook will make work with component vue and without component.