I have installed nginx ingress controller through helm and at ingress service level we are not terminating SSL, SSL is terminated at nginx ingress controller (OCI LB). I have used...
The actual command to build the docker image is ```docker build --network=host -t moon:${VERSION}``` The command executed to slim the image is ```docker-slim build --target moon:${VERSION} --tag moon:${VERSION} --http-probe=false --include-path...
I am trying to set Alertmanagerconfig with "Azure Communication Service" and through this service, you get the endpoint, key, and a connection string (combination of endpoint and key). Below is...
Wazuh version: 4.9.1 Component: Wazuh-Dashboard Install type: All components are deployed in a single VM Install method: Script based Platform: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Here is the thing, it was working...
It looks like somewhere in the code, the Wazuh dashboard is looking for the dashboard-key. Pem, I am running the Wazuh 4.9 version. Well, it was working before, but after...