Is there any limit for the number of rows that can be present in a data-frame to be passed into the df2squad function for converting into .json file As when...
I have converted few .text files into .PDF files and then I am running the 'PDF_converter' function to extract paragraphs and convert into a data frame while doing the same...
Is there any limit for the number of rows that can be present in a data-frame to be passed into the df2squad function for converting into .json file As when...
Is perplexity the only metric which we can use to evaluate the training model or do we have any other metrics which we can include or try ? @xinyadu
I am running the script for generating (.t7) files and i am facing the below issue: ``` $$ python --embedding /media/xxxx/NewVolume/glove.840B.300d.txt --dict ./data/qg.{src,tgt}.dict --output ./data/qg.{src,tgt}.840B.300d.npy usage: [-h] --embedding...