
Results 16 issues of Suraneti

**Environment** - Python 3.7 - tensorflow 1.9.0 After I've ran : ` python ./ --input_img --output_img ` I've got an error : ` SystemError: returned NULL without setting an error`

Hi there, is this library compatible with React Native or some way to use this library on React Native?

Change `Fas` to `Gas`.

I have checked the owner's profile of this repo. He doesn't have any update on GitHub, only one contributes this year!

- Missing variable `optionalConfigObject` in requesting Face ID/Touch ID Authentication sample. (This might make confuse) - Missing comma in optionalConfigObject object's variables. (This might make an error)

Add `accessibilityLabel` prop for testing (e2e) on Android platform.

Should we set up CI/CD for each pull request?


## PR Title #### 🔄 Type of change: - [x] ✨Feature/chore - [ ] :recycle: Refactor - [ ] :wrench: Bugfixes --- #### :pencil2: Description: Update Android Line SDK to...