
Results 5 issues of SupeRod

`vendor/mckenziearts/laravel-notify/css/notify.css` ``` audio,canvas,embed,iframe,img,object,svg,video { display: block; vertical-align: middle } ``` laravel-notify is just an additional tool, which will affect the main project may be can add a unique parent selector I refer to `line 98 of` write it in the layout view file `@include('notify::messages')`, then I got the following error ``` InvalidArgumentException View [messages] not found. (View: /mnt/s/WorkSpaces/HeyCommunity/HeyCommunity-backend/resources/views/dashboard/layouts/default.blade.php)...

带独立界面是指像mail一样,进入mail程序之后就进入了mail的程序界面,输入的命令就无需要一长条。 打算用PHP写这个Shell程序,不知是否会遇到什么问题? 望指教

On December 15, I normally use this package, today it does not work. It took me several hours to find a solution `config\laravel-multi-tenant.php` rename to `config\tenant.php` It's awesome   😔