Yonghoon Lee
Yonghoon Lee
[Creates a document referred to by this `DocumentReference` with the](https://googleapis.dev/nodejs/firestore/latest/DocumentReference.html#create) There is the documentation for create on google cloud firestore, not on firebase firestore. This is only for firebase-admin. (Not...
Any update with this? I think this is problem when failed to deploy cloud functions v2. There are no serviceConfig property for it. Example : ``` { "name": "projects/locations/us-central1/functions/", "buildConfig":...
I did change the code on utils/batch_loader.py line 237 from `indexes = np.array(range(start_index, start_index+batch_size))` to `indexes = np.array([index%50000 for index in range(start_index, start_index+batch_size)])`
Ably SDK support macOS, but why doesn't ably-flutter support macOS?
how about to set gpu parameter to -1?