Christian Saide

Results 6 issues of Christian Saide

When a quantum instance is configured to forward all network traffic, there is no way for quantum to recreate the forward setup after a soft reload. There is an added...


`quantum` needs to support more operating systems than just linux. However it is highly unlikely that `quantum` will ever support multiple architectures, and will continue to just focus on `amd64`/`x86_64`....


The idea here is to create a mode of operation that will preform the task of relaying information between different networks. The relaying would be between either physically or virtually...


Quantum needs to support multiple subnets. The multiple subnets should be able to span any network segment, i.e. the network should be able to talk to the network....


So really there is exactly 0 documentation and this needs to change. Documenation catagories: - Code level - Really just `godoc` fully done up - Application level - README and...


`quantum` is going to need a slew of integration tests to ensure proper functionality. These should include: - Testing the different backends - Test watches - Test tls - Test...
