@ashutoshIITK do you solve the problem?
@soongyuu Is your result in caltech same as the paper's result?
@a1aaaaagithub did you solve the problem? I run his code and his model with paper's setting,but I can't get 4.5(MR), Do you know the reason?
> @a1aaaaagithub did you solve the problem? I run his code and his model with paper's setting,but I can't get 4.5(MR), Do you know the reason? I run test model...
@cekcoco My paras is the same as the paper's. You can test the model that author published.
@cekcoco yes, other parameters is same as paper's,too. You can download directly.
@cekcoco 110. The version of opencv is same the author mentioned. Several days ago, I cried and laugh(哭笑不得). Now, I used pytorch code and change dataset.
> > @cekcoco 110. The version of opencv is same the author mentioned. Several days ago, I cried and laugh(哭笑不得). Now, I used pytorch code and change dataset. > >...