xiaoyu Sun
xiaoyu Sun
same issue here, any ideas?
I use the command './gradlew assembleDebug --info' to build my project and it turned out to be successful。。。
I encountered a similar problem caused by the change of ICFG and I use the following steps to solve it: ` //step1. SetupApplication analyser = new SetupApplication(forceAndroidJar, apkPath); Scene.v().loadNecessaryClasses(); analyser.constructCallgraph();...
@ahangchen 请教大神: https://github.com/sherjilozair/char-rnn-tensorflow/blob/master/model.py 这个项目里,weight的更新算法是: ``` def weighted_pick(weights): t = np.cumsum(weights) s = np.sum(weights) return(int(np.searchsorted(t, np.random.rand(1)*s))) ``` 请问,是否可以用 beam search 来优化呢?如果可以的话,beam search 要怎么实现呢?有没有相关的例子?求助~~~
@ahangchen sample函数用在sample.py里面:https://github.com/sherjilozair/char-rnn-tensorflow/blob/master/sample.py ``` def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--save_dir', type=str, default='save', help='model directory to store checkpointed models') parser.add_argument('-n', type=int, default=500, help='number of characters to sample') parser.add_argument('--prime', type=text_type, default=u' ', help='prime...
@ahangchen 请教: native python IO 可以支持Google Storage, gs://.吗?好像不行~ 我想把https://github.com/sherjilozair/char-rnn-tensorflow/blob/master/model.py 有没有相应的Python包可以使用的呢?
@ahangchen 现在代码里是直接IO读取的: input_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "input.txt") 我想把代码改成其他的IO方式,使得可以支持Google Storage, gs://的读写 比如: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/lib/io/file_io.py 不知道可不可行呢?有类似的支持Google Storage 的pythonIO包吗?
Could there be something wrong with the format of the lines in the words_vocab.pkl file?like empty lines?
Ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: indicates the location where the model is stored, does not need to provide the name of the model, because it will check the checkpoint file to see which one...
The result set for each training session is automatically saved in the save / model path, and is not overwritten as long as the new model name is not reassigned....