
Results 201 comments of suntong

I don't quite understand what @jjhesk actually is trying to say, but I was coming here to ask for the same thing as asked by @delfer.

The author is from Bratislava, Slovakia. Are you sure he understand Chinese? I wanted translate for you but I found myself don't understand what you were talking about.

I can't even make sense what @xs-cw has commented, but here it is, the translation, to the best of my effort: > What he (@www1981www ) is talking about is...

Ah, thanks for the reporting @exapsy, my cmd hang too, and I was using all sorts of combination to figure out what is the cause, and never occurs to me...

BTW, - using the interactive view (`.svg`) via web server, `-nostd` is OK. - but generating `.svg` file without a web server, when `-nostd` is used, it hangs

> Try mounting on a freshly created directory Perfect! Solved! Thanks!

Ops, I can only get the directory list, and even that is not without problem. When trying to copy files out, I get `Input/output error`. Here are the detailed logs:...

1. Done by lpanebr already in this pull request 4 months ago: 2. lpanebr knows how: but maybe because his simple pull request was ignored made him reluctant...