
Results 12 issues of sunshineplan

之前我使用2个cow进程,1个连到另外1个,没有问题。 后来我使用3个cow进程,1个连1个再连另外1个后出现了日志内有乱码的报错,之前cow用的aes-128-cfb加密做二级代理,后用的aes-256-cfb都还是有这个问题。不过感觉不影响使用。 日志如下: [ERROR] 2015/07/24 14:49:07 split header malformed header: "Y\x89\x14丝\b\x1c\xa9h\x1c-\x1e\x14\xd8\xe0\fmtZK\xa6\xa0com\r\n" line: Y?丝﹉-剜 mtZKcom raw header: [ERROR] 2015/07/24 14:49:07 parse request header: malformed header: "Y\x89\x14丝\b\x1c\xa9h\x1c-\x1e\x14\xd8\xe0\fmtZK\xa6\xa0com\r\n" CONNECT

# Summary log.Print dose not print anything after runing client.Text() # Reproducibility ## Reproducibility Frequency - 100% 1. `install MSYS2 and update the package database and base packages` 2. `pacman...


For example: ```html up   down (2021-9-20~2021-9-26) ``` Current, div.Text() only returns ` `, should it return ` (2021-9-20~2021-9-26)` will be better?

I see some confusion or errors when listen keyboard on win10 Code: ``` package main import ( "fmt" hook "" ) func main() { kind := map[uint8]string{3: "KeyDown", 4: "KeyHold",...

Fixes [#23115](

cla: yes

[Golang blog]( says: A semantic version has the form vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. So tag should be v1.0.1, not 1.0.1. Otherwise, go.mod will show pseudo-version like " v0.0.0-20201116173935-903994c1d59f", which dependabot can't detect its...

> Downloading geoip csv file... > Writing country definition files... > Writing nftables maps (geoip-ipv{4,6}.nft)... > Killed Machine: GCP f1-micro



### What version of Garble and Go are you using? $ garble version v0.12.1 Build settings: -buildmode exe -compiler gc DefaultGODEBUG httplaxcontentlength=1,httpmuxgo121=1,tls10server=1,tlsrsakex=1,tlsunsafeekm=1 CGO_ENABLED 1 GOARCH amd64 GOOS windows GOAMD64...