Results 22 comments of sunnamed434

> I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve here, could you please explain in more detail? > > The webview content you are trying to drag and drop is...

Try to press `repair` button via visual studio installer or restart pc ![image](

same issue, if I'll try to open google chrome its moves a way better than Brave

What do you think about [that](

Because of no support, I need to make unnecessary abstraction using Repository pattern, to let it work with LiteDB, PostgreSQL and mysql Maybe any ideas of from what development can...

But, seems to be this is a MAUI Blazor [issue]( and [issue about that](, as well as [this issue](

Ah, come on now. We all know the real cryptocurrency of the future is gonna be Shiba-Inu. Shiba-Inu for life!

Looking forward to hear more feedback from other contributors. If you're ok with that I make another branch which implements new feature, only Microsoft.* dependencies to 7/8 and tested with...

Due to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore v 7/8 is required to use with .NET 6.0 (as a target framework), so, netstandard cannot be in this case

In this case the best we can do is use .netstandard2.1 (and allow to use net48 for plugins by it needs): New NuGet packages (not a v 7/8 because those...