Hi @MaTeMaTuK I would like to modify few changes in the gantt chart. Could you please help me to do so 1) Want to add an icon for each row...
Hi @maberalc @MaTeMaTuK @Janlaywss @hexagonatron @VikariiCGI I want to change the barBackgroundColor based on condition. Inline is allowing me to pass only progressColor and progressSelectedColor styles: { progressColor: '#ffbb54', progressSelectedColor:...
Hi @MaTeMaTuK , Do you have working example of gantt-task=react component with React js. We are not familier with typescript. so getting trouble in customizing the component for tooltip, headerList...
Hi @MaTeMaTuK @Janlaywss @VikariiCGI @lisaavikarii , Thank you for the contribution. Is there any way where I can associate an icon with each row item. so basically I want to...
Hi @MaTeMaTuK , @Janlaywss , @VikariiCGI , @lisaavikarii , I am getting issue with rendering calendar header. I am using below versions "react": "^16.14.0", "react-dom": "^16.14.0", "@types/react": "^18.0.14", "@types/react-dom": "^18.0.5",...
Hi @maberalc , @MaTeMaTuK , @Janlaywss , @hexagonatron , @VikariiCGI I am getting issue with chart plotting. It is always plotting one day lesser than the given date. Lets take...
Hi @MaTeMaTuK, @maberalc I am using gantt chart with unlimited height. when I have too much data, then scrollbar is getting set at the bottom of the element. I would...
Hi @MaTeMaTuK , @maberalc , onDateChange functionality is not working if I want to move the chart beyond the visible screen. Autos scroll should work for backward or forward date...
Hi @MaTeMaTuK I have onClick event where I am display some custom popup. When I change the date (onDateChange), it is firing onclick event too. I want to prevent onClick...
Hi @MaTeMaTuK , onDateChange functionality is not working for the item type which are defined as a "project". It is only working for task type. Also in day view, not...