Sunil Kumar Nagaraju
Sunil Kumar Nagaraju
Get IO stats displays the IO metrics correctly when quried with active connected Gateway IP, else many metrics are "0" like bytes_written from other gateways. **Steps-to-follow:** - Deploy service with...
`listener list` displays all listeners in the subsystems, But `get_subsystems` displays only listener from gateway server-address provided. ``` [root@ceph-sunilkumar-00-7v6gmf-node6 cephuser]# podman run --quiet --rm --format json --server-address --server-port...
NVMe connect-all command fails when provided specifc `nqn` subsystem command option to connect. Currently, If user has to connect to all listeners for a subsystem, the `nvme connect` is the...
Need JSON reponse for the NVMeMON map command response, it might help us in easy way of parsing data. ```$ ceph nvme-gw show rbd '' { "pool": "rbd", "group": "",...
User should able to move the namespaces from once Load-balancing-group to another with one command. **Scenario:** In case of new gateway and load-balancing-group-id or replacing the gateway node, User need...
NVMe Dashboard page in Ceph Dashboard will help user to easily identify the Optimized and Inaccessible Gateways per subsystem, which helps user to understand easily that which Gateway server responding...
Please warn user with banner message or status on the Ceph cluster in case of only one or zero listener configured in a subsystem, in which user would understand that...
Put up warning status on NVMe Service at Ceph cluster if there is only one Gateway daemon in the service, Since HA is default option for NVMeoF. This warning status...
Unable to list namespaces hosted from one of the subsytem which is directly asssociated to Gateway (say GW1) Via load-balancing-group id (say 1). ``` **Gateways and its details** --------------------------- [root@ceph-1sunilkumar-z1afhw-node6...
Noticed that OMAP entries for GW entities like subsytem to namespaces are still exists even after removing the entire service from the cluster. Steps to follow: - deploy nvmeof service...