Sunel Tr

Results 7 issues of Sunel Tr

As magento 2 has been released can do the same for it. Thanks for the awesome work :clap::clap::clap:

Scripts to deploy Magento2 projects to Production . This includes packaging the project and deploying it while setting all required variables for database, environment, etc.


Latest's version fixes this issue ```bash ReferenceError: module is not defined (anonymous function) https://pwa.test:3000/static/js/0.chunk.js:87327:30 Module../node_modules/react-relay-network-modern/node_modules/extract-files/lib/ReactNativeFile.mjs ```

The Termination extension or a command to clean unfinished uploads

Can we manage multiple session using this library ??


This package is really awesome , save me a lot lot lot of time :+1: :ok_hand: . But little worried :worried: as it is has no stable release . So...

When compiled its around 202 kb of file size. This will come down if the we have Tree Shaking ES module. ```shell babel src --out-dir es ``` ```json "module": "es/index.js",...