I am getting an issue with the settled transactions for the refund while sending the transaction id in refTransID, please check and help me with the issue: [0] => net\authorize\api\contract\v1\TransactionResponseType\ErrorsAType\ErrorAType...
The status for the transaction is settled payment and its money has been settled. And the transaction is generated from your servers only i.e: 11 digit number. Everything is good...
Here it is, I am working with the laravel framework $merchantAuthentication = new AnetAPI\MerchantAuthenticationType(); $merchantAuthentication->setName(env("ANET_LOGIN_KEY")); $merchantAuthentication->setTransactionKey(env("ANET_TRANSACTION_KEY")); $refId = 'ref' . time(); $creditCard = new AnetAPI\CreditCardType(); $creditCard->setCardNumber($cardNo); $creditCard->setExpirationDate($expDate); $payOne = new...
Hello @ashtru I am using the values in this format: **$cardNo** = '4242424242424242' **$expDate** = YYYY-MM format (2022-11) Even if I am using the 4 digits card number and date...
Does the old version do not support the refund api and if so then how it can be done in the older version.
hello there is there any help for me regarding that.
hello But why i am not able to refund the settled transaction whose payment has been done
hello @kikmak42 I am still waiting for your reply that why I am not able to refund the transaction whose payment has beed confirmed or has been settled.