
Results 96 comments of debing.sun

crash in `&(*db->slots_to_keys).by_slot`. assemble ```asm 0x0000000000144b13 : call 0x134c60 0x0000000000144b18 : mov 0x38(%rbp),%rdx 0x0000000000144b1c : mov %eax,%eax 0x0000000000144b1e : shl $0x4,%rax 0x0000000000144b22 : add 0x50(%rdx),%rax db; slotToKeys *slot_to_keys = &(*db->slots_to_keys).by_slot[hashslot];...

@SarthakSahu yes, but i don't know why yet, it still need some time.

@SarthakSahu sorry, since i haven't had enought time to dig into it right now, could you provide more information so I can pinpoint it quickly? Or can you reproduce it...

@stevelipinski Yes, they are same. did you enable `activedefrag`?

@stevelipinski thanks a lot, this is usefull, and I will take the time to figue out why as soon as possible.

@SarthakSahu sorry, I've tried and failed to reproduce it, can you give me more clues about your system, special configurations, etc.

@SarthakSahu did you do anything special operations with the cluster? like slot migration?

> Consider avoid adding defrag logic into `ebuckets.c`. Instead we can expose a simplified function that merely gets pointer-to-the-pointer that points to the item. And all the logic will reside...

`@moticless` I fixed some reply schemas which failed in the schema validate CI (, please have a brief look. on the other hand, i have a doubt that normally if...

@tezc please have a look, make the test cover the listpackex and eblist.