Thank you for the response i checked the blog which uses old version of AWX now with recent AWX it is on kubernetes [root@awx ~]# kubectl -n awx exec -it...
we may have to use [root@awx ~]# kubectl -n awx exec -it awx-844c574f84-bc4ww -c awx-ee -- /bin/bash bash-4.4$ ansible-galaxy collection install dellemc.powerstore -c Starting galaxy collection install process Process install...
i cannot get it to run from AWX i can execute the playbook froom the container itself bash-4.4$ ansible-playbook capacity_volumes1.yml /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/paramiko/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Blowfish has been deprecated "class": algorithms.Blowfish, [WARNING]: No...
May be i need to build a custom EE for this ,