Hello, I successfully configured the camera using the parameters below, `ros2 launch rtabmap_launch \ rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start" \ rgb_topic:=/camera/color/image_raw \ depth_topic:=/camera/depth/image_raw \ camera_info_topic:=/camera/color/camera_info \ frame_id:=camera_link \ use_sim_time:=true \ approx_sync:=true \ qos:=2...
> I never played with the astra on ros2, but the input data you are feeding rtabmap with looks pretty bad: > > ``` > The time difference between rgb...
> 你好, > > 我正在尝试使用我拥有的 d435i realsense_camera 和 rplidar 制作环境的 3D 地图。我可以很好地提取地图。我正在尝试在这张地图上导航。我想到的一个问题是,面对桌子等高障碍物,我该怎么办?我的机器人只能看到桌子的脚,导致它撞到桌子上。 > > .launch文件中相关代码如下: > > ``` > > > > > > > > > > > >...
> 英特尔 hello,May I ask what model of your robot is? I also want to perform 3D graphics on Xuri Pi, but I do not have relevant information. Have you...
> 无法在我的计算机上重现该问题,稍后必须在 jetson 上尝试。 hi,i also Using Ros2 Foxy inside a Jetson jeston agx orin with ubuntu 20.4 and a astro pro , for some reason launching examples ########### ros2...
> `ros2 launch rtabmap_demos` but I'm having issues getting an image to appear when running the following command: ros2 launch rtabmap_ros My setup is: ubuntu20.04,ros2 foxy 旭日x3派 and...
> 这一个是: > > ``` > ros2 launch rtabmap_examples > ``` Hello, I'm very sorry for the delayed response. My D435i camera is not successfully producing point cloud data....
> 我会继续以 D435i 为例,因为我无法使用 Astra 来确保它正常工作。[通常,如果您按照此文件]( 顶部的说明进行操作,它应该执行以下操作: > > ``` > # Requirements: > # A realsense D435i > # Install realsense2 ros2 package (ros-$ROS_DISTRO-realsense2-camera) > # Example: > #...
> I would stick on D435i example as I cannot have an Astra to make sure it is working. Normally, if you follow the instructions on top of this file...
> Do you have repeating warnings on terminal telling that rgbd_odometry or rtabmap cannot synchronize (or didn't receive) topics for 5 seconds? You may try on a computer that you...