Jansen Price
Jansen Price
- Several links have changed as they updated URLs in their documentation - Some services have been deprecated
The function names `stack` and `trace` aren't really intuitive as to what they do, maybe `dump` and `dumphalt` would be good, or `buggertrace` and `buggertracehalt` or something.
Consider adding a `set_exception_handler()` to also handle any exceptions thrown and show them using Bugger and the nice interface.
Document and implement some way to turn off the dumping completely. Something like `\Gajus\Bugger\Bugger::disable()` would be good.
Instead of using $GLOBALS, use constants (with define())
Let me first say this project is pretty cool. I like the simplicity and effectiveness for viewing the PHP error log in this manner. I have been using it a...