Hey. Was this fixed?
Hey. You can do this.. Refer my SO answer:
Did you solve this?
Solved. This was crashy: `mItems.remove(position); notifyItemRemoved(position); notifyItemRangeChanged(position, mItems.size());` Change that to this: `mItems.remove(position); //notifyItemRemoved(position); //notifyItemRangeChanged(position, mItems.size()); notifyDataSetChanged();`
This helped me too! Thanks @ishratkhan
Im having the same problem. Did you solve this?
This happens cuz the library takes a snapshot of the item (which does not include the touch-overlay) Solution: xml: Edit this method in DynamicGridView /** \* Creates the hover cell...
That; and also, in the onActionUp: Add this: if (leftThumbXDistance < rightThumbXDistance) { Log.i(TAG, "onActionUp:if:1"); ``` if (mIsRangeBar) { Log.i(TAG, "onActionUp:if:2A"); mLeftThumb.setX(x); releasePin(mLeftThumb); }else { //Added this else statement Log.i(TAG,...