Summer Kiflain

Results 14 comments of Summer Kiflain

> for iOS I found [this suggested solution]( @cjthompson I have tried below for iOS but its not working for me, version and buildNumber doesn't change. ``` // iOSVersioning.js, placed...

@stovmascript can we get this merged, urgently need this for my bare flow react-native project.

1+, This is only good thing missing from this component.

also looking for working expo app example with the latest versions.

@brentvatne can't we remove the `react-native-safe-area-view` dependency and shift to `react-native-safe-area-context` altogether, there are 3 versions of `react-native-safe-area-view` on npm, `default`, `latest` & `next`, and I couldn't find below imports...

@brentvatne sure, I can manage that for now.

can we get merged, need it urgently...

This is a super important PR, can we get this merged please?

@byCedric can you please review this?

Facing same issue, but I am also using `redux-persist-expo-filesystem` as storage engine, I thought it did not had any size limitations. anyone having an idea whats it about or how...