
Results 6 issues of sumitra20

HI, i would like to know if there is a way to perform prediction on new images or videos and then crop and save only the bounding box thank you

Dear Developers, I am trying to do CAZymes analysis using my mRNA reads. I downloaded a copy of the database (CAZyDB.08062022.fa), indexed it to Diamond format, and then performed a...

HI, I've been trying to run SortMeRNA version 4.3.6 with my assembled fasta file but keep getting an error that says **ERROR[0m: at least one of your reads is >...


Hi, I have a .gff file that was obtained from prokka. Converting the gff file into gtf format gives me file with no output. Im not sure if im going...

Hi, I have been using porechop to trim my nanopore generated raw reads and i noticed that after trimming the number of total bases reduces, but the number of total...

Hi @andrewprzh , I have an assembled metaT.fasta file and the 32 pairs of raw reads (.fq) that i used for the assembly. I would like to use rnaquast to...