
Results 9 comments of Makito

Same issue here. I'm using Charts as a dependency in another Swift package.

已修复 请尝试 ```com.github.SumiMakito:AdvancedTextSwitcher:0.3```

Hi ncperng, Sorry for the late reply. I have tried with the following minimal test case: ```html var __awesome_qr_base_path = "js"; require([__awesome_qr_base_path+'/awesome-qr'], function(AwesomeQR) { AwesomeQR.create({ text: 'Makito loves Kafuu Chino.',...

Thanks for your feedback. I’ll take a look into this issue. Sent from my iPhone On 27 Jan 2018, at 11:01, elagrv wrote: Is it possible to change the package...

抱歉最近比较忙,二月份考虑重新调整一下结构,现在核心和暴露的逻辑部分耦合度偏高,直接修改效果并不是很好,稍安勿躁。 Sent from my iPhone On 11 Jan 2018, at 15:24, 阿发 wrote: 能不能支持 umd 格式引入 — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to...

@dndx Thanks! I have applied these suggestions.

思源宋体 Source Han Serif 遇同样问题,CLI 和 npm module 都试过,不带参数直出文件也是字位错乱的。

> I came across this bug with another virtual scroll package. I fixed it by setting the perspective of the scrolling container to an arbitrary value. Even `perspective: 1px;` seems...

你好,之前我一直在对自己博客的主题进行修改,最近才将这个新版的 Journal. 主题更新到 GitHub 上。 目前 GitHub 上的主题是与我的博客 一致的,可以安装使用,但文档暂时不全,之后会补充文章带图的使用方法。 感谢支持。