
Results 35 comments of sumgr0

If the sub-domain points to traffic manager service for Azure, is the takeover possible? When attempting to create a traffic manager profile using the same name as in the CNAME,...

Thank you for the revert @PatrikHudak, really appreciate the detailed reply. I'm fairly new to the subdomain takeover subject. When testing for the subdomain in question, the dig confirmed the...

I've come across a sub-domain, pointing to an azure web app service. This CNAME itself has 3 levels like ****. It shows the NXDOMAIN error when checking with dig. However,...

found this in relation to the above, but haven't been able to go through in details to understand:

Any hints of how to bypass the TXT verification?

@adityathebe Okay...thanks for the quick revert.

Where are you getting stuck? Best, Sumit Grover On 16 Oct 2020, at 23:11, Philippe Delteil wrote: > > Hey, How can I claim this? - * >> Provide steps...

> > I've come across a sub-domain, pointing to an azure web app service. This CNAME itself has 3 levels like ****. It shows the NXDOMAIN error when checking with...

I've come across a sub-domain which confirms the error message: NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist randombucket-assets When use the dig command, the CNAME points to a URL....

Hey @pdelteil, Were you able to claim the subdomain on flywheel? I've come across a similar situation of the A record for the subdomain using a Linode's IP. Any pointers...