Sumeet Kakkar
Sumeet Kakkar seems like a breaking change.
@dainis Can you please see if this PR can be merged, and new version of gc-stats released? The new dependencies support Node.js Version 10+, and we are fine if the...
> @sumeetkakkar also maybe look at [adnanrahic#6]( . This fork seems a little ahead. Thanks!
Thanks for looking into this. The idea behind this PR is to be able to trace the logging for a `req`. Especially to know why error happened while processing the...
@knoxcard, Please let me known if there are any specific concerns you want me to address to help merge this PR. As I have stated, our goal is to be...
> Can you look at #712 and confirm if that will accomplish the same thing as here? It is further along and seems much more flexible, including keeping our internals...
@dougwilson , Can you please share ETA for #712?
Our goal is to be able access `req` object in store.get and store.destroy. It seems #712 will make it possible. So yes this PR can be closed in favor of...
Few minor comments. Otherwise looks good for semver major.