Soumaya Mauthoor
Soumaya Mauthoor
Hey I'm trying to recreate the approach in this paper: They use a multivariate hawkes model with an exponential kernel where the baselines are identical for all dimensions and...
Your library is great! I am using SimuHawkesExpKernels to simulate a Hawkes process in a network. I was wondering if it was possible to separate events/timestamps caused by the baseline...
Initially raised in #438 I can't run the unit tests. I tested using this [demo]( and that ran fine. I followed these steps: 1) clone googletest in tick: git clone...
Importing tick overrides the matplotlib back-end: `>>> import matplotlib` `>>> matplotlib.get_backend()` `'module://backend_interagg'` `>>> from tick.linear_model import LogisticRegression` `>>> matplotlib.get_backend()` `'agg'`
The documentation about packaging theme refers to somewhat outdated tools and practices. I was wondering if you could update the documentation to use pyproject.toml and perhaps setup.cfg: I have...