Note: This only works if GreynirPackage doesn't join together numbers (such as "fimm hundruð þúsund") into a single token. (~~Currently working on a [pull request]( for GreynirPackage which addresses this~~....
Large improvements to this pull request (and new ideas) :), but it is not ready yet. I would like to move repeated code from the query modules into the `queries/utility`...
Should we merge this pull request, **after a review**? @vthorsteinsson @sveinbjornt ## Pros It contains very helpful functionality for other pull requests (which could make them cleaner and more manageable)...
I think I've addressed all your comments, thanks for the review! :smile_cat: Ok to merge?
> > Notar eldri útgáfu af KRISTINsnid.csv > > Sé engar breytingar þess efnis er ekki merkingin hér að pull requestan hafi verið gerð með eldri útgáfu af KRISTINSNID.csv locally?...