Attila Süli
Attila Süli
Same here with iterm2, retina and monoisome variants are broken. Regular works fine.
@alexarchambault yes, using `--architecture arm64` flag solves this problem, but it must be specified otherwise coursier installs the x64 even on arm by default.
I have a neovim config only using the new way to define diagnostic signs, so I decided to fix this by myself. You can see my pr above. Feel free...
Unusable diff highlight on NeogitStatus with the new default light colorscheme (nvim-0.10.0-nightly)
Meanwhile I started to use a custom colorscheme and what I realised that the colorscheme plugin must be loaded before neogit otherwise the same thing happens. I think maybe because...
Unusable diff highlight on NeogitStatus with the new default light colorscheme (nvim-0.10.0-nightly)
Also I found this [issue]( that might be related.
Unusable diff highlight on NeogitStatus with the new default light colorscheme (nvim-0.10.0-nightly)
I took another look on this and still not works with the default theme until I explicitly declare `vim.cmd.colorscheme 'default'`. Then I realised that it is because I load plugins...
Hi @ckipp01, thank you for your detailed response. I tried the config changes you mentioned, it worked though I'm afraid it is not exactly what I wanted to achieve. I...