Edwin O.

Results 12 issues of Edwin O.

Hi, how to mount internal storage to chroot using linux deploy? I always get permission denied? my android is lineage os 17 / android 10 I use latest linux deploy...

Is there any driver for adreno 506 for running in linux chroot?

if the blog in sub directory, like http://localhost/blog you need to edit htaccess this is correct htaccess for sub-directory "blog" RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /blog/ RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}...

maybe there add option for root user to use advantage of root, like mount encrypted overlay then bind mount to some folder in emulated storage. is it possible? maybe like...

how to fix this error? i want to select my folder in sdcard, but it just read only. i cant make new file. OS: lineageos 17 (android 10) but in...

is there any feature to remove any metadata after i take photo from inside droidfs? i think it should default option for taking photo from droidfs.


### Describe what you'd like to see added to the app it will good for migration (change phone/factory reset). or maybe add feature to mount encrypted folder to file manager...


Can adreno 506 work in linux chroot (i use android 10)? i see someone can get 3D acceleration using turnip or zink in chroot from android, but i dont know...

### System Info it seems running on cpu only while my gpu (amd rx560) is actually supported latest metal and can run stable diffusion on macos. why force metal is...


maybe there is support for amd gpu for macos, since it can run mps. or maybe add fallback mode like pytorch, but not full on cpu only.