Sukeerthi Adiga
Sukeerthi Adiga
## What problems are you experiencing? Unable to download the ruby source when the rake task ```rake ruby23 DKVER=mingw64-64-4.7.2``` is ran. ## Steps to reproduce 1. Go to ruby installer...
**NOTE**: This project is for Ruby version 2.3 and older. For Ruby versions >= 2.4 please file an issue [here]( ). ## What problems are you experiencing? Unable to...
Trying to connect to AD by enforcing the LDAP Channel Binding [()]( Ending up with the below error ``` => #49, :matchedDN=>"", :errorMessage=>"80090346: LdapErr: DSID-0C09056D, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 80090346,...
The .andSelf() method was deprecated in jQuery 1.8 and now removed in 3.0 in favor of the .addBack() method, which does a better job of explaining what it does and...