mivilleb 你好,看到我留言能加你Q请教下GRIB2数据格式处理的问题吗?
你好,我可以请教下你是怎么处理GRIB2数据的吗? 我能加下你QQ吗? 本人QQ419513210
> Networking.go:25 有错误 `uuidV4 := uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4())`更新到`uuidV4 := uuid.NewV4()` 这个问题修改一下uuid依赖库就可以了
Hello, Have you solved the above problem? I'm having the same problem as you right now?
You can run on unbuntu, right? I cannot operate in centos system, which is also a similar problem to yours. C name type not recognized
Hello, I have found the file you mentioned. You can add #include to the socketget_windows.go file
> 是的,我一次在ubuntu上安装了ZMQ。非常感谢您的帮助。当我再次需要它时,我将在Windows上对其进行检查。 Hi, can you share an article on how to install libzmq on Windows /centos?I am currently unable to use zmq4 correctly to manipulate zeromq on its environment.
Hello,Do you need to compile libzmq using vs to use zeromq with go on Windows?
Hello, can I ask you a question?I can't use zeromq in Windows environment now, error: could not determine the kind of name for c.socket, do you have such problems?