@MatthewSteeples @dahlbyk Can you please share the status of this PR?
Thanks @MatthewSteeples . Let us know if there is any update on this.
@dahlbyk @MatthewSteeples Any update on this PR?
Thanks @MatthewSteeples @dahlbyk . Will wait for your update.
@daxyonis Do you still need help on this?
> Maintainers (@fjolin-intuit & others) - the out-of-date dependency on `jackson-databind:2.9.x` is beginning to cause compatibility issues with major upstream projects like Spring. Could someone please bump the dependency in...
@bseib Thanks for bringing this up. Will work with our internal team to update the documentation.
@keridano The error is being thrown from while trying to create Unmarshaller Unmarshaller unmarshaller = JAXBContext.newInstance(cl.getPackage().getName()).createUnmarshaller(); This is happening even before unmarshalling the XML string. Any specific scenario you...