
Results 4 issues of Jarvis

**功能描述 / Feature Description** 用简洁明了的语言描述所需的功能 / Describe the desired feature in a clear and concise manner. **解决的问题 / Problem Solved** 解释此功能如何解决现有问题或改进项目 / Explain how this feature solves existing problems or...


sujw@Jarvis:/mnt/c/Users/70984/Desktop/pycode$ echo $OCR_ENGINE ocrmypdf sujw@Jarvis:/mnt/c/Users/70984/Desktop/pycode$ marker_single /mnt/c/Users/70984/Desktop/pycode/bak/zjrb2024060600001v01n.pdf /mnt/c/Users/70984/Desktop/pycode --batch_multiplier 5 --langs Chinese 2024-06-28 18:52:59.314495: I tensorflow/core/util/port.cc:113] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to...

希望能够通过自定义提示词来优化特定列,例如新增一列来存储优化后的第二列数据,即 f(第二列)。

You want to be able to customize hints to optimize specific columns, such as adding a new column to store the optimized second column, f (second column).
