我更新,仍然不通过,vs2022 uint8_t b64[datalen * 2]; 报错如下:\_deps\gmssl-src\src\pem.c:60: error: C2057: 应输入常量表达式
> 我更新编译强制要求c99了,您看现在可以编译通过么? @suisou VS2022仍然编译通不过
@zhaoxiaomeng 查了一下,Visual Studio2022并不支持变长数组定义。
I have add mutex to all query opration.
before it ,another thread have run the codes for another table in the same db; persistence p(MYSQL_LINK);
I have replace persistence with query , only one persistence in the main thread. other thread use query.
I try to use query with one global conn , in multithread , It will crash too, then I add mutex ,only one query can be run , It be...