steps/diagnostic/ --cmd data/lang exp/tri3b_cleaned steps/diagnostic/ see stats in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/analyze_alignments.log 1 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/build_tree.log 27 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/acc.*.*.log 8 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/update.*.log 33 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/align.*.*.log 20 warnings in exp/tri3b_cleaned/log/convert.*.log...
While running the process stopped at ::: Stage 5: Make netcdf data (train-clean-100) for VC... Usage: local/anon/ [options] Options --stage 0 # Number of CPUs to use for feature...
**Error at Stage 16:** Performing intelligibility assessment using ASR decoding on libri... compute i-vect: libri_dev_asr steps/online/nnet2/ --nj 40 --cmd data/libri_dev_asr_hires exp/models/user_asr_eval_anon/extractor exp/models/user_asr_eval_anon/extractor/ivect_libri_dev_asr steps/online/nnet2/ No such file exp/models/user_asr_eval_anon/extractor/
I am getting this issue, after runing _**python3 test/**_ My pytorch version is 2.0.0+cu117 Initializing VoiceFixer... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/sughosh/voicefixer/test/", line 41, in voicefixer = VoiceFixer() ^^^^^^^^^^^^...
The URLs for StrongVoices and Stuttering_is_Cool does not work. It shows 404 (resource not found). Can you please update them? or point me to the correct URL