Support of SimpleAggregateFunction has already been pushed in this repository, and it will be in the next release.
The main point of this project is to work with binary data protocol and build a typed interface around that. The only thing we can define is the moment we...
It's a great idea. It allows making API easy to use and high-performance.
Try to specify the version explicitly. ``` clickhouse-rs = "1.0.0-alpha.5" ```
Hello. Next week I'll try to write some app which emulates work of clickhouse server.
Hi! Thanks for this issue. This feature was [pushed]( and will be available in the next release.
Thanks for the advice. The implementation of this has already been pushed into this repository and will be in the next release.
This lib tries to inserts the whole block you pass per one request or split the block if rows number greater than `1 048 576`. Could you show an example...
Thank a lot for discovering this bug. The fix will be in the next release.
I release a new version with the fix soon.