Tatsuki Sugiura

Results 30 comments of Tatsuki Sugiura

ぎゃーーーすみません! こちら、はるか前で物凄い申し訳ないのですが見落としていました。 月末になってしまいますが確認します! :bowing_man:

うーむむむむむむ。すみません、これを今まで見られていなかったのが大変申し訳ない……。 良さそうに見えます。 rubocop に関しては、そこまで厳しくする必要は無いので調整します。

ちょっとこれを取り込ませて頂くのと、 _parse の日本語サポートを入れた状態で、非互換もあるので 2.0 として出そうと思います。 もう暫くお待ちください……

Oh? Another test fails in CI. I'll check it. Please give me more 1-2 days.

@open-telemetry/javascript-approvers I confirmed all tests are passed locally and added more tests. This PR is ready to review now. BTW, How can I sign added commits by EasyCLA? I cannot...

@dyladan Thank you for your reply! I'm happy to hear that. So... What should I do next? Is it OK to merge the upstream master into this PR, then notify...

@pichlermarc @dyladan OK. Now I merged with upstream/master and implemented a retry feature to the fetch sender that has been introduced to XHR while this PR is open. Would you...

> @sugi any update? slightly_smiling_face > Let me know if there's anything I can do to help this PR along slightly_smiling_face Ouch... I'm sorry. I'll update and merge upstream again...

Ouch... sorry. I forgot to leave a comment on the last merge. I'll do it again this weekend.

@pichlermarc I merged the main upstream branch and resolved the conflict. @llc1123 > I suggest we just drop support for XHR in the exporters. Discussion: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-js/issues/3845 I indeed agree with...