Sudharsan Selvaraj

Results 21 comments of Sudharsan Selvaraj

@jlipps I have updated the recorder script for webdriverio with the latest documentation and raised PR #636 . Kindly review and let me know your thoughts. Thanks:)

That's a great idea. we also having something similar to it it in backlog and will be add the feature soon. Lets use this issue for tracking purpose.

From the logs i can see that the dashboard version you are using is `v1.0.0-beta.10`. but the latest version is `v1.0.0-beta.11`. Have you tried updating it to the latest one?

@prabhurohith , at the moment I don't have access for any windows system from my end to reproduce the issue. If possible let's pair up sometime and debug the issue.

@HemaPriya-18 @ArjunReddyD We need additional logs to debug the actual issue. To see the additional log, locate the below file in your machine `/Users/hema/.cache/appium-dashboard-plugin/appium-dashboard-plugin.log` and search for `Skipped parsing command...

@ryanleung96 Thanks for bringing this up. we will definitely work on this in the future release.

@iepoch Thanks for reporting the issue. This is valid a bug from the plugin and it is fixed as part of I will merge the PR and make a...

@iepoch Fix is now available in `v1.0.0-beta.12`. You can update the plugin using `appium plugin update appium-dashboard` command. Can you verify and close the issue if it's working as expected.

@iepoch Are you killing the web driver session at the end of each test execution? If the webdriver session is not killed, then appium server thinks that the session id...