
Results 8 comments of Sub

As a workaround for backup/restore, copy via FTP: `/user/home//trophy/*` `/user/trophy/*` As for the code, in the OpenOrbis toolchain samples, there is another trophy unlocker:

> For sure the app shouldn't be crashing while applying a code (even if the code is wrong) so please if you can use Apollo to "export save as .Zip"...

Possibly related to this, since updating to 2022.10.14 through Flathub/Discover this morning, all Steam Proton prefixes are gone, no matter if internal or external. Removed Bottles and all settings, reinstalled...

SteamOS 3.3.2 stable. ``` (deck@steamdeck ~)$ flatpak run com.usebottles.bottles 16:25:56 (INFO) Bottles Started! 16:25:57 (INFO) Catalog components loaded 16:25:57 (INFO) Catalog installers loaded 16:25:57 (INFO) Catalog dependencies loaded 16:25:57 (INFO)...

I just downgraded Bottles to 2022.9.28.1 with the command `sudo flatpak update --commit 2c401ebef911f6631d809dcd44fd77db9f18f3d6d5ba022c080487dd692b4812 com.usebottles.bottles` and it works perfectly fine again. Didn't change any settings, permissions or anything, just downgraded...

Figured out how to run flatpak in verbose mode %) Settings and permissions are identical for both setups. 2022.09.28.1 ``` (1)(deck@steamdeck ~)$ flatpak -v run com.usebottles.bottles F: No installations directory...

> My personal use case would be to sync saves across different machines I own. I bought many Linux games on GOG and GOG Galaxy does NOT run on Linux...

I have to jump in on this issue, unfortunately. Started two days ago, last successful backup was Wednesday 2:00am, Thurday and Friday both failed. Debug log from manual trigger, failing...