
Results 7 comments of subvillion

> or are they x86 ? Yep ``` GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build test-bin: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked ``` ``` GOARM=5: use software floating...

AGRRHHH! I spent hours to understood, why nothing worked. The stupidest thing with the SSL error - I can't see this error!!! I used and only that save my...

Quick fix: add `InsecureSkipVerify: true` to client.go `newTransport` func ```go func newTransport() Transport { t := &HTTPTransport{} rootCAs, err := gocertifi.CACerts() if err != nil { log.Println("raven: failed to load...

@mavidser - thx, just works! ```go sentry, _ := raven.New("https://xxx@domain/8848") sentry.SetSSLVerification(false) sentry.CaptureMessageAndWait("myMSG") ```

Now am using simple wrapper around ydls, in POST am sending yt url and store dir, another endpoint shows queue, mb store dir must be hardcoded with remap possibility

Multi DC topology with RF3, DC1 (3 nodes) - DC2 (3 nodes) @TvdW I have is a similar error. It is not clear what this means?

I would also be interested in this feature to. Now my real services hided behind tailscale like mesh network and something like `[0].url=` looks pretty useful