John Rowley
John Rowley
Do you mean the `let g:float_preview#docked = 1` preview shown in your link? I personally think that's a little distracting, but of course it's highly subjective. :) Maybe if implementing...
> My suggestion is disable the auto popup by > > ```viml > let g:diagnostic_auto_popup_while_jump = 1 > ``` > > and trigger the line diagnostic with a mapping instead....
When using my config from above: ``` 2022-03-31T11:00:42.674 helix_view::theme [WARN] Theme: invalid style attribute: modifier 2022-03-31T11:00:42.680 helix_view::editor [ERROR] Failed to initialize the LSP for `source.toml` { LSP not defined }...
It works, thank you so much! If I specify the 'config' option in languages.toml, even if its just an empty string, everything works as expected. But, if I comment 'config'...
Of course. Here it works fine, with `config = ""`: ``` 2022-04-01T09:01:32.476 helix_view::theme [WARN] Theme: invalid style attribute: modifier 2022-04-01T09:01:32.493 helix_lsp::client [INFO] Using custom LSP config: "" 2022-04-01T09:01:32.493 helix_lsp::transport [INFO]...