Subeesh Vasu

Results 8 comments of Subeesh Vasu

HI, I am not familiar with any papers on this topic, but some others might know. So let's keep this issue open.

I am also trying to do the same. After inspecting the code, I figured out the following solution, to train with more than one data volumes. Let's assume that we...

> > I am also trying to do the same. After inspecting the code, I figured out the following solution, to train with more than one data volumes. > >...

Thank you for all the suggestions. I will try them out and see if I can improve the values.Please let me know if you are able to get to the...

@crazygirl1992 I was using a single GTX TitanX (12 GB). With this settings, for batch size = 1, training cost was approximately: 2hrs, 20 minutes per 1000 iterations.

I couldn't get those values. With batch size = 4, one could reproduce the values I guess!.

@Redamancy0222 Yes, depending on when I get time for that. Thanks for the understanding. Always welcome to raise a PR with latest papers.

Have updated with 2023 papers