hi, may i know whether this program can be modified to run in real time using webcam? real-time extracting frames and features and make prediction.
hi, may i know, instead of reading an original video file, extract features and sequences, and make prediction, is that possible to let the program read from webcam and predict...
hi, may i know how long will it take to run the after i run the file, it ran for a while and the last output was: creating test...
hi @harvitronix , i'm using your code to train with different dataset, my data is about sign language which involve both static and dynamic gesture. i have 10 classes, each...
im converting hdf5 to pb, and later want to use the model for android development, i want to know the input and output node name, where can i find it?
hi, im coverting hdf5 to pb, so that i can use the model in android. but how do i know the input node name and output node name?
Hi, may i know how to modify this so it can recognize dynamic sign gesture as well?