Stripe 4.7.1 Civi 4.7.25 (with civicrm/civicrm-core#11062 patch) Joomla 3.8.1 I am also getting these Webhook errors. Specifically, 'You are not authorized to access that page'. I upgraded to Stripe 4.7.2,...
Thanks, I'll see if I can recreate the issue on a dev site and test this out.
I tested this out, I immediately got 'js token not passed'. It appears that stripe.js is not loading at all. In stripe.php, if I go back to using the buildForm...
Update: Even if I patch this experimental version to work with Joomla, then back end event registration doesn't work, either token not passed OR billing form not loaded. Wondering, is...
@mattwire For your branch: com.drastikbydesign.stripe-4.7-mjwconsulting-dev Backend Submit Credit Card Contribution & Backend Submit Credit Card Event Registration **stripe.php -> stripe_civicrm_alterContent** `if (($context == 'form' && !empty($object->_paymentProcessor['class_name'])) || (($context == 'page')...
Branch: com.drastikbydesign.stripe-ptp-latest Backend Submit Credit Card Membership / Backend Submit Credit Card Contribution /Backend Submit Credit Card Event Registration **stripe.php -> stripe_civicrm_alterContent** `if($context == 'form' && !empty($object->_paymentProcessor['class_name'])) { if($object->_paymentProcessor['class_name'] ==...
@tmumm Curious of what version of Stripe you are using
Sorry, was referring to the extension version. One of my sites that reported the webhook was not working, is still on 4.7.1. This morning, I was notified that another extension,...