I had multiple issues with the old version of Vue so have enabled images in the latest version of Vue - 2.5.13 - by adding a workaround in line 157:...
Oh right, yes on the help dialogue? I gave that domain up years ago. I'll take it out for the next release (which hopefully will be in less than 10...
It's [available on the Internet Archive](
Yeah, I will do that, thanks. I see the FAQ needs a bit of updating.. As I don't own that domain any more I can't redirect here, though.
Yes. And when I do a new release, I will.
You're right, and I'll do a build of the latest version and put it up as a release. The trouble is that the link is hardcoded in the EXE file,...
Thanks for your kind words, much appreciated. You can't do what you want with AutoMapper, sorry. It tells Windows "hey, this key is Pause now" and it acts just like...
I can't really help here, sorry. I suspect it's related to the weirdness of the Pause/Break key - from > In the original PC/XT keyboard layout, there was no...
Added temporary link to
Docs on proper releases: